ACM is 3 years old today

Post-carbon tax birthday cake

Three years of Australian Climate Madness, 2,100 posts, nearly 8,000 comments, and now over 5,000 fans on Facebook.

Despite the fact that we have seen the back of Kevin Rudd, the ETS and Malcolm Turnbull, we are still staring down the barrel of a pointless carbon tax, the sole purpose of which is to appease the Greens and keep Julia Gillard in the Lodge. There is much work still to do.

Just a reminder that you can subscribe to the ACM email – you will receive at most ONE email each day when there is new content on the site. Just use the subscribe box at the top of the right sidebar.

Thanks to all my readers for your support!

P.S. Want to check out what ACM looked like in October 2009? Click here.


  1. Happy birthday! Long may you continue to fight Man-Made Climate Fraud.

  2. Happy Birthday ACM! The best website in my opinion for ammo to counter GW alarmists.

  3. Happy Birthday… from a FREEZING S OZ!

  4. Linda Muller via Facebook says:

    Happy Birthday! What a blessing to us you’ve been! :p

  5. Hi,
    Congrats on the big 3. I have enjoyed reading your blog and thanks for your hard work on bringing the real story to this “Climate Madness” that the Government wants to ram down our throats. Your work is very much appreciated.

  6. As a new chum to the site it has been so rewarding to read a sensible collator of facts. Simon U R Australia’s Mr Watts …Happy birthday!

  7. Congratulations on your three years and your amazing contribution to the AGW debate. Looking forward to the time when sites like ACM and our blog are not necessary.

    Until that day, keep up your excellent work.

  8. job well done

  9. SOYLENT GREEN says:

    Wow, I didn’t know I had you by a few months. I remember when I first found you. Nobody else in my corner of the anti-thermageddon hyperverse knew about you. I was a god for about a nanosecond. Ah, the heady days of ’09.
    Glad your self-imposed exile of a year or so ago was short-lived. You do great work.

  10. Bill Hough via Facebook says:

    Keep up the good work!

  11. Well done.

  12. Good one Simon … congrats on ACM’s 3rd birthday.
    Nice baby pics via the Wayback Machine too 🙂

  13. Steve Woodman says:

    Well done! Keep up the good work. ACM is first port of call every morning.

  14. rukidding says:

    Happy Birthday ACM. Keep up the good work.

  15. happy birthday. i was at a bbq this arvo, reminded me a the english summer…COLD!

  16. Mervyn Sullivan says:

  17. I have become a regular ACM visitor lately and have to say it’s a valuable site for someone who’s sceptical even of scepticism. A wise man (the late Don Dunstan) once told me he never stopped questioning his own assumptions. There are many in his own party who are now behaving like zombies in their acceptance of the dominant climate science dogma without interrogating the evidence. Not surprisingly, the science has been mostly forgotten as the IPCC Team politicises the issue and behaves like an unscrupulous political movement that’s shifty and untrustworthy. And they wonder why they have credibility only with the minority and have essentially lost the argument in the wider community.

  18. John of Cloverdale WA says:

    I add my congratulations to ACM also. Keep the light of truth shining through. We shall overcome!

  19. Is it just my system or did the live blog roll stop working yesterday?

    • Wasn’t aware of it – very occasionally you need to reload the page for the blog roll to shuffle the entries into the correct order…

  20. Col of Blackburn says:

    Simon, best wishes and a Happy Birthday to ACM

  21. The Loaded Dog says:

    Ahhh I remember those old days well Simon. Been following you ever since. Happy birthday ACM. TLD

    • And congratulations to you as well, TLD, I think you must be the most prolific commenter on this site – 571 so far and counting! Thanks for your contributions, which are always witty and entertaining.

  22. Congrats Simon. Thanks for all your work.
    The economy disabling tax really only has one purpose – to send massive amounts of Oz wealth overseas to be distributed amongst the ‘deserving’ fascist dictatorships in exchange for phony carbon credits.
    A huge Ponzi scheme of theft, corruption and perversion

  23. cementafriend says:

    Congrats, keep up the good work

  24. Congrats Simon.

    Oh, and I love the Wayback Machine. It’s a great tool for going back and looking at some of the historical Climate Alarmist claims.

  25. Belated Happy Birthday to ACM. My morning commute to work has become something to look forward to ever since I bookmarked ACM in the iPhone. Thank you and everyone who comments for helping me understand what’s really going on. And those witty, sharp comments from The Loaded Dog and Baldrick deserve a mention!


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