Secret "Skeptical Science" forums posted online

Fully un-Skeptical

UPDATE 3: You will note that I have not allowed comments on this thread. However, if you take a look at Bishop Hill’s post here, there are now over 230…!

Often I get links on my hit counters from forum posts on Skeptical Science to which even registered users apparently don’t have access. But now the lid has been lifted, as there are revealed a bunch of private forums to which only the “chosen few” have access, and where they plot and plan the continued crushing of any dissent of the Consensus.

Unfortunately, someone has posted copies of a whole stack of them on the Internet. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

I don’t intend to repost them here or a link (you can find it yourself) – no doubt John Cook would get hot under the collar about it, and quite frankly, nothing would surprise me about the content.

Skeptical Science isn’t interested in free-thinking scientific enquiry, just about smearing genuine sceptics (realists) and propping up the consensus at all costs.

But I will read them eventually – I did a quick search for ACM which gets a few mentions, and there’s as much vitriol and hatred of any dissent there as you would expect. Apparently they were shocked, shocked I tell you, that so many sceptic sites reached the finals of the Bloggies. One commenter and well known SS writer quipped:

“Like locusts, these deniers.”

Noice. Apparently we filthy scum are effective at “swarming this kind of online contest”.

Tom Nelson has more. Go search there.


UPDATE: The most obvious thing is that Skeptical Science is a highly organised and well-oiled PR machine. There is a substantial team of contributors continually refining the message and collating new material. Yet somehow it’s the sceptics that are well funded and well organised and are therefore winning the argument. For comparison, ACM is a one-man show. Go figure.

UPDATE 2: Just for the avoidance of doubt, the original poster at Tom Nelson claims that all of this material was available publicly on SS anyway via a massive security hole – if you knew where to look… so it wasn’t a hack, and it wasn’t a leak either.