ANU: the one potential threat wasn't at all, says the person who said it

Catallaxy Files reports:

“I feel I can throw some light on this matter as I am undoubtedly the person who is alleged to have shown my gun licence to people at the dinner. That is not accurate. At the mediocre dinner on the first day I was approached by Dr Maxine Cooper, then the Commissioner for the environment, who recognized me as someone involved in the kangaroo culling program in the ACT which occurs each winter. After politely asking if she could sit next to me she asked me how I had gone in the recent licence test which is challenging. I told her I had topped it with a perfect score and showed her my current culling licence, not gun licence, to prove it. The conversation around the table then drifted around the benefits of eating game meat v the poor fare on offer.”

Read it here.


  1. Well, that’s closer to fact than the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming fairy stories.

    There was a person who was a (professional) shooter – ergo, we have a mass-murderer planning to go on a killing-climate-scientists rampage.

    Wait a sec – it is like the global warming fairy tales.

  2. bushwanker says:

    I have the perfect explanation for this whole ANU email threat issue particularly in light of the revelation by the professional shooter.
    Could it be that our ANU climate scientists in a genuine attempt to get close to nature to assist them with their research have been inadvertently munching on ‘gold tops’ and other halucinogenic fungii while out on their field trips thus giving them the perception that they were threatened with violence. Perhaps their mushroom induced ‘trip’ had them thinking they were marsupials with a target on their back. I can just imagine Tim Flannery coming up with this explanation.

  3. AndyG55 says:

    As I said before.. paranoia and a guilty conscience often go hand in hand.

    They KNOW that they are doing the wrong thing by exaggerating non-facts to obtain funding… this is the sort of imagined thing that happens when you are constantly struggling with your conscience.

  4. We fly out tomorrow: you may care to follow thelinks highlighted per link Regards
    Geoff Seidner


  1. […] revelation that the one possible “threat” was actually an innocent discussion about culling kangaroos, now Legal Affairs editor Chris Merritt writes in The Weekend […]