Wong and Rudd's "heat wave" deception


Krudd and Wrong

From the Weather Isn’t Climate Department: As if we need more proof that Kevin Rudd and Penny Wong are on a religious crusade on climate change rather than anything based on science, they blurt out unfounded links between the heatwave in New South Wales and “global warming”:

Sydney’s average maximum temperature was a little more than 40C yesterday, making it the city’s hottest November day in 27 years [which means it was hotter 27 years ago, before this global warming hoax even got going – Ed], while crews in Melbourne were still mopping up last night after a devastating storm lashed the Victorian capital.

“We’ve seen increased numbers of storms, we’ve seen much less rain, particularly in southeastern Australia we’ve seen hotter and drier temperatures and conditions,” Senator Wong said yesterday.

“All of these are consistent with the trends that climate scientists are talking to us about and just underlined to us why Australia is so vulnerable to climate change.”

Kevin Rudd linked the weekend’s weather extremes to the ETS debate.

“Everyone in Australia thinking about this, this weekend, would work it out that we are among the hottest and driest continents on Earth,” the Prime Minister said.

We will feel the effects of climate change fastest and hardest, and therefore we must act this week, and the government will be doing everything possible to make sure that that can occur.”

That’s the great thing about the “global warming” – if you are shallow enough, as Rudd and Wong most certainly are, you can blame anything on it. In reality, there is no evidence whatsoever that anything quoted above has anything to do with climate change. We’ve had worse droughts, worse heatwaves, worse rain storms. But hey, who cares about the truth anyway? It’s all about getting our ETS through at any cost.

Read it here.