Copenhagen: UN appeals for calm after "bust-up"

De Boer: clearly wishing he was somewhere else

With the air thick with blame and recrimination, and with any hope of a global deal disappearing faster than a Himalayan glacier, UN climate chief Yvo de Boer has appealed to the various factions to stop bickering:

We need to work together constructively, whereas countries are in the media blaming each other for what happened, the same countries that are going to have to be back at the negotiating table next year with an open willingness to work together,” he told AFP in a phone interview from London.

“It’s bad for the atmosphere, it’s bad for the relationship among people that ultimately have a common goal to move this forward.”

De Boer did not name names but chose to give the interview after Britain and China swapped verbal blows as to who was to blame for the Copenhagen outcome, while Brazil took aim at the United States.

De Boer urged all parties not to inflate or pull down the importance of the Copenhagen Accord.

“We shouldn’t pretend it is anything more or anything less than what it is — an agreement, a sense of direction that can help us in further negotiations.”

He acknowledged, though, that what happened in Copenhagen “was a very extraordinary event.”

“The fact of the matter is a small group of countries put this accord together, there wasn’t enough time to get buy-in from the larger meeting and have it adopted in any kind of formal sense, and that’s the reality.” (source)

All a bit childish and unseemly, really.


  1. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
    The sooner he is a blip on the pages of history the better for all of us

  2. It would seem to me the summit participants do not really think the science is settled about CO2 being the doom to the world. It is obviously all about politics, power and money and that is why no agreement could be reached. You can bet if there was an “life on earth destroying” asteroid on course to hit the earth and there was something mankind could do about it, they would come to agreement fairly quickly and all would be in a “what can we do to help attitude”. Actions speak way louder than words, and the actions at Copehagen speak volumes about what is really going on with respect to AGW.

  3. What happened in Copenhagen had to happen the way it did. Upon the Climategate revelations, the science, and also the IPCC, is in big trouble. I think the innermost feeling of the heads of the involved governments was to compare with a great sigh of relief due to the outcome of the conference. No economically devastating juridical binding agreements were made, and surely no one can now be in sight because of a science which seems to grow evermore unsettled by the day. To me COP15 was a play where common sense prevailed in the end, but in the disguise of facesaving actions from the world leaders.

  4. The UN cannot be trusted and we should NOT listen to ANYTHING they say. AGW is now in the hands of the people and qualified, ‘honest’ scientists and we will never quick bickering until justice has been served… that means JAIL time and the break up of the IPCC/UN.

  5. They should have canceled the whole thing once “Climategate” came out. It became impossible for anything to pass the US Senate. Without that nothing Obama would have signed would have been worth the paper is written on. It also caused the fall of the Liberal Party leader in Austrailia which meant nothing could pass in Austrailia either.

  6. I totally agree with comments 2 to 4 . The following site should be read by every student, teacher, scientist, politician. Green activist, investor and the general public

  7. It is delightful to see the empire of deceit crumble.