Video: Lord Monckton in Sydney

I didn’t record the entire presentation (I didn’t have a tripod with me), but I have put together a few clips of the introductions, and Lord Monckton’s conclusion.

UPDATE: I feel I should add that I acknowledge there are a number of things about Lord Monckton’s delivery which cause me some concern. Whilst he has many sensible things to say, his presentation could very easily turn your average Australian man or woman in the street off. Things such as (a) splashing a coat of arms around on his Powerpoint slides, (b) delivering long speeches in Latin, and, as has been mentioned elsewhere, (c) the overly emotive and cloying conclusion, which somehow rings very hollow. We need people like him to get the message across, but in a way that doesn’t fall into the same traps as the alarmists. See Janet Albrechtson’s comments here: Heated moments mar Monckton.

Part 1:

Part 2:


  1. Good job, Simon! Nice video.

  2. Bravo.

  3. Richard Petheram says:

    Send this man forth. I’ve never seen a less convincing argument against climate change.

  4. Hi
    We have posted a link to your video of Lord Monckton’s address in Sydney along with some photos of Bill’s and his (and our) comments. direct link
    Well done. MiSociety

  5. Richard Petheram’s statement…. “Send this man forth. I’ve never seen a less convincing argument against climate change…” Beggars belief. Monckton was and is BRILLIANT and unrefutable and all Australian should thank him for helping save us from a GREAT BIG USELESS NEW TAX. And BTW, if his argument is so unconvincing, why won’t Kevin Krudd debate him?

  6. I heard Lord Monckton’s talk on 2GB and found it more than interesting but note from your comments that you were not entirely impressed at his lecture. I thank you for your commonsense observations. . What are we to believe? Or more to the point WHO are we to believe? When CFCs were outlawed in the western world years ago the stockpiles of products were simply transferred to China, Thailand and India and the like – it’s the same godamn air!!! That will happen all over again, but it’s the jobs that will go there as well now (those that haven’t already).

    Meanwhile papers and statistics are being bandied around with so called ‘experts’ being put forward from all corners with lingering doubts about who is funding the research.

  7. Richard Petheram says:

    Seems we have unearthed a new Dinosaur species – Seanodeniitall. Unless his type look more carefully at the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence on global warming, we will all go extinct together. Fortunately Monckton is a joke the world over.

    • Unless you have been living under a rock for the past two months (or have relied solely on the ABC and Fairfax for news, which is kind of the same thing), you may have noticed the “overwhelming weight” of evidence is disappearing faster than Al Gore at a press conference. The “consensus” science is built on fudged data and unethical conduct, not surprising when so much money and politics is at stake. Monckton fills the void of common sense that is so characteristic of the climate debate.

  8. Richard Petheram says:

    Dear Simon – I do feel for you. But I dont know how to help you out of your denial – a state that comes with after death of a loved one or the loss of all that one has pinned their hopes on. There are other more positive ways to face the future, but you will need to learn some sound science and face reality soon – for everyone’s sake.

    • I am deeply touched by your concern – but do you know what? I think I’ll be OK. Over and out.


  1. […] A  MiSociety thought Any Australian politician would certainly love to be able to crow about drawing such a huge enthusiastic crowd for a public meeting/lecture. Lord Monckton on the Brian Wilshire show on 2GB (a quality interview)  Video of Lord Monckton’s Sydney lecture 27 January 2010 […]

  2. […] A  MiSociety thought Any Australian politician would certainly love to be able to crow about drawing such a huge enthusiastic crowd for a public meeting/lecture. Lord Monckton on the Brian Wilshire show on 2GB (a quality interview)  Video of Lord Monckton’s Sydney lecture 27 January 2010 […]